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Security Bulletins

Kiali releases every three weeks and so generally resolves CVEs in new releases only. Golang vulnerabilities are typically resolved in a timely way, as the Go version for release builds increments fairly often. Occasionally, critical CVEs may be resolved in patch releases for supported versions. Additionally, not every CVE reported against a Kiali dependency is actually a vulnerability. For reported CVEs that are proven not to affect Kiali, see the table below:

CVE Description Notes
CVE-2022-1996 Despite the package dependency Kiali is not susceptible to this vulnerability

For Kiali-specific vulnerabilities there will be releases made as needed. At release time a security bulletin will be release as well. For prior bulletins see below:

1 - KIALI-SECURITY-003 - Installation into ad-hoc namespaces


A vulnerability was found in the Kiali Operator allowing installation of a specified image into any namespace.

Kiali users are exposed to this vulnerability if all the following conditions are met:

  • Kiali operator is used for installation.
  • Kiali CR was edited to install an image into an unapproved namespace.

This vulnerability is filed as CVE-2021-3495


If you can update:

  • Update to Kiali Operator v1.33.0 or later.

If you can not update:

  • Ensure only trusted individuals can create or edit a Kiali CRs (resources of kind “kiali”).

2 - KIALI-SECURITY-002 - Authentication bypass when using the OpenID login strategy


A vulnerability was found in Kiali allowing an attacker to bypass the authentication mechanism. The vulnerability lets an attacker build forged credentials and use them to gain unauthorized access to Kiali.

Kiali users are exposed to this vulnerability if all the following conditions are met:

  • Kiali is setup with the openid authentication strategy.
  • As a result of configurations in both Kiali and your OpenID server, Kiali uses the implicit flow of the OpenID specification to negotiate authentication.
  • Kiali is setup with RBAC turned off.

This vulnerability is filed as CVE-2021-20278


If you can update:

  • Update to Kiali v1.31.0 or later.
  • If you need an earlier version, only Kiali 1.26.3 and 1.29.2 are fixed.

If you are locked with an older version of Kiali, you have three options:

  • Configure Kiali to use the authorization code flow of the OpenID specification; or
  • Configure Kiali to use the implicit flow of the OpenID specification and enable RBAC; or
  • Configure Kiali to use any of the other available authentication mechanisms.

3 - KIALI-SECURITY-001 - Authentication bypass using forged credentials


A vulnerability was found in Kiali allowing an attacker to bypass the authentication mechanism. Currently, Kiali has four authentication mechanisms: login, token, openshift and ldap. All are vulnerable.

The vulnerability lets an attacker build forged credentials and use them to gain unauthorized access to Kiali.

Additionally, it was found that Kiali credentials were not being validated properly. Depending on the authentication mechanism configured in Kiali, this could facilitate unauthorized access into Kiali with forged and/or invalid credentials.

These vulnerabilities are filed as CVE-2020-1762 and CVE-2020-1764


Use the following bash script to check if you are vulnerable:

KIALI_VERSION=$(kubectl get pods -n istio-system -l app=kiali -o yaml | sed -n 's/^.*image: .*:v\(.*\)$/\1/p' | sort -u)
kubectl get deploy kiali -n istio-system -o yaml | grep -q LOGIN_TOKEN_SIGNING_KEY
kubectl get cm kiali -n istio-system -o yaml | grep signing_key | grep -vq kiali
echo "Your Kiali version found: ${KIALI_VERSION}"
[ ${VERSION_ENTRIES[0]} -lt "1" ] || ([ ${VERSION_ENTRIES[0]} -eq "1" ] && (\
  [ ${VERSION_ENTRIES[1]} -lt "15" ] || ([ ${VERSION_ENTRIES[1]} -eq "15" ] && ( \
  [ ${VERSION_ENTRIES[2]} -le "0" ])))) && echo "Your Kiali version is vulnerable"
[ $TEST_KEY_ENV -eq 1 ] && [ $TEST_KEY_CFG -eq 1 ] && echo "Your Kiali configuration looks vulnerable"

The script output will be similar to this:

Your Kiali version found: 1.14.0
Your Kiali version is vulnerable
Your Kiali configuration looks vulnerable


  • Update to Kiali 1.15.1 or later.

Alternatively, if you cannot update to version 1.15.1, mitigation is possible by setting a secure signing key when deploying Kiali. If you installed via Kiali operator, you could use the following bash script:

SIGN_KEY=$(chars=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890; for i in {1..20}; do echo -n "${chars:RANDOM%${#chars}:1}"; done; echo)
kubectl get kiali -n $(kubectl get kiali --all-namespaces --no-headers -o custom-columns=NS:.metadata.namespace) -o yaml | sed "s/spec:/spec:\n    login_token:\n      signing_key: $SIGN_KEY/" | kubectl apply -f -

If you installed via Istio helm charts or istioctl command, you could use the following bash script:

SIGN_KEY=$(chars=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890; for i in {1..20}; do echo -n "${chars:RANDOM%${#chars}:1}"; done; echo)
kubectl get cm kiali -n $KIALI_INSTALL_NAMESPACE -o yaml | sed "s/server:/login_token:\\n      signing_key: $SIGN_KEY\\n    server:/" | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl delete pod -l app=kiali -n $KIALI_INSTALL_NAMESPACE